霜露FrostDew 霜露是一隻年輕活潑的小狼,帶著初晨陽光般的溫暖與朝氣。相比周圍威猛帥氣的狼群,他更像一個自帶光芒的少年。他的笑容如同春日暖陽,總是以真摯的熱情融化人心,令人不由自主感到安心與愉悅。舉手投足間,他散發著如沐春風般的親切與溫和,為身邊的一切注入明亮與希望。 The official background story of [霜露FrostDew] (can be freely adopted or modified after adoption) [霜露FrostDew] is a young and lively wolf, radiating the warmth and vitality of the early morning sun. Compared to the powerful and charismatic wolves around him, he resembles a boy with his own gentle glow. His smile is like the warm sunshine of spring, always melting hearts with sincere enthusiasm, bringing a sense of comfort and joy to those around him. Every movement exudes a breeze-like kindness and warmth, infusing everything around him with brightness and hope. |
霜露FrostDew 的製作特色:
使用布料:兩國(美國與波國)進口混搭布料、豐沛的毛感混和仿真寫實風格毛布 霜露FrostDew 適用於頭圍 23英吋(58.4公分)以內 的尺寸設計。若頭圍小於23英吋,可加厚內部墊料以提供更舒適的佩戴體驗。獸裝將在確認認養人後,將根據新認養者的頭圍尺寸進行適當調整。此外,設計配備後拉鍊與鬆緊帶,方便輔助穿戴,提升便利性與穩定性。 霜露FrostDew 的影片展示: https://youtu.be/NFHhbWMP46M?si=HZJnis9zRsvYp-9J https://youtu.be/NFHhbWMP46M ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The features of [霜露FrostDew]:
Fursuit Video Showcase : https://youtu.be/NFHhbWMP46M?si=HZJnis9zRsvYp-9J https://youtu.be/NFHhbWMP46M |
領養此角色時,我可以獲得什麼? What do I get when I adopt this character?
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This adoption is conducted as a silent auction. After submitting your application, please wait for the selection results. Selected applicants will be notified via email, while those not selected will not receive further notification.
This adoption is conducted as a silent auction. After submitting your application, please wait for the selection results. Selected applicants will be notified via email, while those not selected will not receive further notification.